Monday, 24 February 2014

MATLAB : Fast Fourier Transform

Fast Fourier Transform : MATLAB :

function y = FourierT(x, dt)
% FourierT(x,dt) computes forward FFT of x with sampling time interval dt
% FourierT approximates the Fourier transform where the integrand of the
% transform is x*exp(2*pi*i*f*t)
% For NDE applications the frequency components are normally in MHz,
% dt in microseconds
[nr, nc] = size(x);
if nr == 1
N = nc;
N = nr;
y = N*dt*ifft(x);

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Windows command line commands : To copy files

Windows command line commands to copy files:


Copy one or more files to another location .

      COPY source destination [options]

      COPY source1 + source2.. destination [options]

     source :  Pathname for the file or files to be copied.

        /A  :  ASCII text file (default)
        /B  :  Binary file copy - will copy extended characters.

destination :  Pathname for the new file(s).

        /V  :  Verify that the new files were written correctly.

        /N  :  If at all possible, use only a short filename (8.3) when creating a destination file. This may be necessary when copying between disks that are formatted differently e.g NTFS and VFAT, or when archiving data to an ISO9660 CDROM.

        /Z  :  Copy files in restartable mode. If the copy is interrupted part way through, it will restart if possible. 


To copy file from source to destination 
COPY sourcefile.doc destinationfile.doc

To copy from a different folder/directory: 
COPY "C:\myfolder\sourcefile.doc" "D:\Newfolder\destinationfile.doc"

To copy all the files into the current directory specify the source only, with a wildcard:
COPY "C:\myfolder\*.doc"

To copy all the files to a different directory:
COPY "C:\myfolder\*.txt" "D:\Newfolder\destfiles.txt" 

To have no feedback on screen while copying , specify the following command :
COPY sourcefile.doc destinationfile.doc >nul